If you have made up your mind to be an android app developer then you are going in the right direction. Making career in android development is going to make your life easier. And android development course in Mohali from Solutions1313 is going to make your learning journey easier.
Solutions1313 Company + Institute | 100% Live Projects Training
Moreover, this android course in Mohali with Solutions1313 will also tell you about how you can understand the insights of functionalities of the app and recommend better features for the app to the client.
You can see our Syllabus here:
Java Fundamentals
⦁ Features of Java
⦁ OOPs Concepts
⦁ Java virtual machine
⦁ Data types, Variable, Arrays, Expressions, Operators, and Control Structures
⦁ Objects and Classes
Java Classes
⦁ Abstract, Static, Inner Classes
⦁ Packages
⦁ Wrapper classes
⦁ Interfaces
⦁ This
⦁ Super
⦁ Access Control
Exception Handling
⦁ Exception as Objects
⦁ Exception Hierarchy
⦁ Try Catch Finally
⦁ Throw, Throws
IO Package
⦁ Input and output
⦁ File Input & Output
⦁ Byte Array Output Stream
⦁ Sequence Input Stream
⦁ Char Array Writer
⦁ Input by Console
⦁ Input by Scanner
⦁ Thread Life Cycle
⦁ Multi-Threading Advantages and Issues
⦁ Simple Thread Program
⦁ Thread Synchronization
⦁ Expressions, Operators, and Control Structures
⦁ Objects and Classes
Java String
⦁ What is String
⦁ Emulating String
⦁ String Comparison
⦁ Sub String
⦁ Methods of String
⦁ String Buffer class
Java Awt
⦁ AWT Basics
⦁ Event Handling
⦁ Basic of Swings
⦁ J Button class
⦁ J Text A rea class
⦁ J Combo Box
⦁ J Color Chooser class
⦁ J Progress bar class
⦁ Digital Watch
⦁ Graphics in swing
⦁ Displaying Image
⦁ Applet Basics
⦁ Graphics in Applet
⦁ Displaying image in Applet
⦁ Animation in Applet
⦁ Event Handling in Applet
⦁ Digital Clock in Applet
⦁ Analog Clock in Applet
⦁ JDBC Introduction
⦁ JDBC Driver
⦁ DB Connectivity Steps
⦁ Connectivity with Oracle
⦁ Connectivity with MySQL
⦁ Access without DSN Driver Manager
⦁ Connection
⦁ Statement
⦁ Result Set
⦁ Prepared Statement
⦁ Result Set Meta Data
⦁ Database Meta Data
⦁ Collection Framework
Chapter 2: Introduction to Android
1. What is Android?
2. Setting up development environment
3. Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension
4. Fundamentals:
- Basic Building blocks – Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Content providers
- UI Components -Views & notifications
- Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters
Chapter 3: Application Structure (in detail)
1. AndroidManifest.xml
2. Uses-permission & uses-sdk
3. Resources & R.java
4. Assets
5. Layouts & Drawable Resources
6. Activities and Activity lifecycle
Chapter 4: Emulator-Android Virtual Device
1. Launching Emulator
2. Editing Emulator Settings
3. Emulator Shortcuts
4. Logcat Usage
5. Introduction to DDMS
6. Second App:-(Switching Between Activities)
7. Develop an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents
Chapter 5: Basic UI design
1. Form widgets
2. Text Fields
3. Layouts
4. [dip, dp, sip, sp] versus px
5. Lists
6. Web View & Web Pages
Chapter 6: Menu
1. Option Menu
2. Context Menu
3. Sub Menu
4. Menu from XML
5. Menu via Code
6. Drawer Navigation Bar
Chapter 7: Intents (in detail)
1. What is intent ? How many types of intents use in android.
2. Explicit Intents
3. Implicit intents
Chapter 8: UI design
1. Time and Date
2. Images and media
3. Composite
4. Alert Dialogs & Toast
5. Popup
Chapter 9: Styles & Themes
1. Styles.xml
2. Draw able resources for shapes, gradients (selectors)
3. Style attribute in layout file
4. Applying themes via code and manifest file
Chapter 10: Content Providers
1. SQLite Programming
2. SQLite Open Helper
3. SQLite Databse
4. Cursor
5. Reading and updating Contacts
6. Reading bookmarks
7. Develop an App to demonstrate database usage. CRUD operations must be implemented.
Chapter 11: Adapters and Widgets
1. Array Adapters
2. Base Adapters
3. List View and List Activity
4. Custom list view
5. Grid View using adapters
6. Gallery using adapters
7. Hashtable, Hashmap
Chapter 12: Notifications
1. Broadcast Receivers
2. Services and notifications
3. Toast
4. Alarms
Chapter 14: Threads
1. Threads running on UI thread (run On Ui Thread)
2. Handlers & Runnable
3. Async Task (in detail)
Chapter 15: Preferences, Tabs & ADB Tools
1. Shared Preferences
2. What is Tab ? And what is the use of Tab activity.
3. Fragments
Chapter 16: Android Multimedia & Animation
1. Media Player: Audio
2. Media Player: Video
3. Recording Media
Chapter 17: Android Speech
1. Custom Tabs
2. Custom Layout
3. Other Components
Chapter 18: Android Telephony
1. Telephony Manager
2. Get Call State
3. Simple Caller Talker
4. Phone Call
5. Send SMS
Chapter 19: Android Device
1. Bluetooth Tutorial
2. List Paired Devices
4. Phone Call
5. Send SMS
Chapter 20: Working with Material Design
1. Working with Material Design
2. New Widgets
3. Custom shadows
4. Vector drawables
5. Animations
6. Recycle View/Card View
Chapter 21: Android Web API
3. XML
Chapter 22: Social Media Integration
1. Facebook
2. Youtube
3. LinkedIn
4. Twitter
Chapter 23: Advanced Android
1. GCM Push Notification
2. Gestures
3. Integrate Google AdMob in App
4. Put your APP in Google Play Store
5. Google Map
6. GPS Tracking
7. PayPal Integration
Chapter 24: Learn Code with kotlin
1. Introduction to kotlin
2. Syntax to Kotlin
3. How to add Kotlin in Android Studio
4. Put your APP in Google Play Store
5. Develop apps using Kotlin
Sounds interesting??
Let us know how this Android training institute in Mohali is going to change your life.
Though this course will make you an expert in android app development. This is also an android app development course for beginners.
This means that even if you have never written a single programming code in your life, you can still start this android developer course in Mohali. Solutins1313 will take care of all your expectations and will make your learning journey really easy
Android app development training institute in Mohali
Solutions1313 is not just the best android app development training institute in Mohali. It is also a well know mobile app development company in Mohali. Every course Solutions1313 provides is not just limited to training. Moreover, they have expertise in all the technologies and also provide services related to them.
Some of them are:
Web design and development: Training as well as services related to programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, React etc. This company creates appealing websites for it’s client.
Digital marketing: Amrinder Singh is the MD of Solutions1313 and is a famous digital marketing specialist in Mohali. His expertise in digital marketing training has given many highly skilled digital marketers to the IT industry. Also, the clients associated with this digital marketing company in Mohali have been getting great business growth.
Solutions1313 has worked for hundreds of clients on a variety of projects. The development team is so skilled that they are aware of almost every complication that may arise. The android development course in Mohali that you’ll be studying will be under the guidance of these experts.
Android application development course in Mohali
There are various ways in which you can complete the android application development course in Mohali by Solutions1313. You can go for online android application development course; where you can expect one on one class with the trainer.
You can go for offline android course in Mohali with one-on-one classes or with group.
Apart from this, you will get complete exposure on various projects that are not yet in the market.
Of course, mobile application development may sound a little difficult.
The reason is, in case of ios app development the developer has to design and develop the app for only apple devices that are too similar to each other. However, in case of android, things are really different. In android mobile application development, the developer has to consider a variety of devices. This not only makes it difficult for him to make the app compatible for all kind of devices, however it also increases the value of developer in the market.
With the help of latest tools and SDK (software development kit), you will become ready to every latest technology in the market. In case, if you feel like you are stuck somewhere or want to know anything related to app development, feel free to reach out the app development trainer who taught you in your training period. He/She will be more than happy to understand and fix all your issues.
Solutions1313 is the best android application development institute in Mohali
Solutions1313 is the top android application development institute in Mohali because of the training process it follows. With years of experience in the industry, the training department knows what is right for their students.
The syllabus of the modules and the way they teach make the entire learning process easy.
Not only your learning will be taken care of. If you study at Solutions1313, you can have assured job placement right after you complete the learning process. This is how it goes:
Mobile app development course in Mohali
The vast syllabus of the android mobile app development course at Solutions1313 includes everything that you need to know as an app developer. The teaching staff is highly skilled. The technical learning method here is not only easy to learn, however the learning culture is something that you need to know about in order to have a better future as well as growth in the IT industry.
Android training in Mohali
After the theoretical learning process, you proceed to the next level. This next level of android training in Mohali is something where you will be working on live projects. Yes! You heard it right.
After completing the theoretical part, you will be given a quick test. If you complete that test appropriately, then you will be selected for training. Here you will be working on real projects. Also, you will get a good exposure about client interaction. In case, you are stuck somewhere during your project, you will always have your mentor to help you on anything. This training will complete your professional android development course and you are now all set for a good job.
Android development training institute in Mohali
As we know that Solutions1313 is not just the best android development training institute in Mohali, however it is also the best android development company in Mohali, Punjab. After your training is complete, you will become eligible for interview.
This interview will be the only step between you and your fust android app development job at Solutions1313. This company has a hiring rate of 99% within Tricity.
In case, you are not interested in job, you will also learn here about how to work on your own as a freelancer.
If you are willing to make a bright future in mobile application development, then book a free demo class now. Also, you can ask for a career counselling to know what is best for your future.